- Dec 15, 2014
- By Andrew Rogers
- In Website Design and SEO

We're always thinking, discovering and sharing our knowledge of how to connect with customers in the digital age. Here we share some of those thoughts.
How many times have you looked at your website and thought, “If we had a new website, it would increase our traffic,” or “All we need is a new website”? You wouldn’t be the first person to think a brand new, fancy website would fix the pain points of your buyer’s experience. The truth is website design is not the first step to building an effective inbound marketing system. Don’t get me wrong...I understand that every first impression is a lasting impression, so you want your website “dressed to impress.”
But it’s not all about design.
At Cleriti, we don’t just build websites—we build digital content marketing systems. When someone comes to your website, they’re probably looking for an answer to their problem. That’s why our first step to building a new website includes a full content evaluation. We want to make sure that the content you have built over the years is written with an inbound methodology.
During this evaluation, you may come to the realization that your content stinks and nobody wants to read it. Don’t worry—we can help get your content up-to-snuff with our crack team to content strategists.
The only reason people, other than your mom, are coming to your website is to see if you can solve their problem. Once we have content written around an inbound campaign, we can start looking at the design of your new website. Our strategist utilize content to craft the website.
Many designers attempt to make your content fit in a pre-built design, but the issue with the template method is that your website should be unique to you and your industry. Before building a fully designed website, we develop a wire frame. Chances are, when you see this wire frame, you’ll think: “That’s one ugly website”. Don’t worry—this wire frame is only used to show you where the content will be placed in relation to images, calls-to-action, forms, and the like.
After the wire frame is approved, our designers move into the beautification phase. Using all the information gathered in our previous steps, we can make a website that’s sure to get user interaction. By strategically designing a website with your “Buyer’s Journey” in mind, we move prospects through the sales funnel in a non-intrusive sales method.
Knowing that users don’t always research for products and services on their computer, we “think mobile first.” Many times users will find your awesome product or service whilst at work on their desktop computer. Should they like your compelling content, they may fill out a form for more information. Later that night or next day, they should get a follow up email in reference to the form they filled out.
But what happens if they click a link in that email from their smart phone or tablet? We want to make sure that they know right away that they are brought to the same website they viewed earlier that day. We make sure your website is going to look amazing on desktops computers, tablets, and smart phones.
Now that you have a rockin’ new website, we still have more work to do. We can take your website to the next level by utilizing Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Adwords, Salesforce Integration, and even e-commerce integration. In the first three months, we’ll know if our strategy is working by viewing analytics and analyzing in-depth user work flows.
Don’t worry: the Cleriti team can take care of the follow through process in a snap and even make adjustments to site pages, landing pages, and emails to get the results you’re looking for.
…Remember these four key takeaways:
1. Website design is important, however it's not a cure for all of your marketing and sales pain points.
2. Make sure you have content that is relevant and will stand the test of time.
3. Your new website needs to be responsive, which means it should look good on desktops, tablets, and smart phones
4. Follow through is of extreme importance. The agency that builds your website should have a 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month follow up plan.
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