- Jul 13, 2015
- By Gina Yeagley
- In Social Media and Digital Marketing

We're always thinking, discovering and sharing our knowledge of how to connect with customers in the digital age. Here we share some of those thoughts.
Cincinnati is full of All Stars this month for the 2015 MLB All Star Game and nearly by the second you can find out what’s happening and follow along on social media. It’s been well over 10 years now that today’s mainstream social media networks like Facebook and Linkedin have launched, which were shortly followed by YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. Now, 10 years later, Cincinnati along with the majority of the United States have adopted social media networking as an important part of their daily routines. Social media has changed the way we connect with each other, the way we find information and even the types of content brands produce to support the buyer's journey. Continue reading to learn more about the social media impact Cincinnati has made and see our list of 5 social media all-stars.
Whether it’s our public transportation or building new support for eco-friendly and sustainable living options - Cincinnati (and a lot of the Midwest in general) may wait around for the proof of concept to trust or get on board to adopt new things. That’s not the case for social media network adoption and overall activity in the city of Cincinnati. In the past and present Cincinnati is far ahead of the adoption curve on the usage of social media per capita. In 2011, Mashable named Cincinnati the most social city, and this great infographic below by Bootcamp Digital shows some more stats that support the high volume of social media usage in the Queen City.
Santa J. Ono (@PrezOno)
When something big happens in Clifton and the surrounding area - the University of Cincinnati President Santa J. Ono will be there and he will probably Tweet it, too. If he couldn't get any cooler - he also recently turned down a big bonus to create more scholarships - AND he even made a shout out recently on Social Media Day. Learn more about Santa J. Ono here.
Happy Social Media Day friends. Happy Tweeting 😊 #SMdaycincy
— Santa J. Ono (@PrezOno) June 30, 2015
Krista Neher (@KristaNeher)
Krista is a well-known author and the CEO of the Cincinnati based company Bootcamp Digital. She is an absolutely remarkable speaker and digital marketing enthusiast. Follow Krista for plenty of insightful tips on leadership and how to get more results from your social media marketing. Learn more about Krista on her website.
Andy Hemmer (@CincinnatiPR)
Andy connected with us a few months ago and we have discovered a lot of smaller local businesses just like us since. He shares many great articles from local organizations and involved people in the community. In addition, he does a daily CincinnatiPR minute highlighting a local business, entreprenuer or event on his YouTube channel.
Roadtrippers (@Roadtrippers)
Roadtrippers makes all of our amazing brand lists when it comes to Cincinnati. Maybe it’s because of all of the hidden gems you stumble upon when you travel and go to new places. Recently we featured them as a remarkable example of video marketing in this post. Visit the Roadtrippers website here.
Business Courier (@BusinessCourier)
The Business Courier “Five things you need to know today” is a great way to filter through the swarms of media we are exposed to each day and see what matters right now. Follow them for the latest local happenings - whether it’s new startups, the best spots for foodies or breaking updates at Cincinnati’s biggest companies like P&G, Macys, US Bank, Kroger and more. We even were lucky enough to have a spotlight with The Business Courier back in 2012. Visit The Business Courier website.
Who else do you consider to be a social media all-star in Cincinnati? Who are some others that have made a big social media impact? Let us know in the comments below! We love to connect with new Queen City people and brands on social media.
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