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Thinking with Cleriti

We're always thinking, discovering and sharing our knowledge of how to connect with customers in the digital age. Here we share some of those thoughts.

Quiz: Is Your Website Inbound Friendly?

Quiz: Is Your Website Inbound Friendly?

Are you converting fewer leads than you'd like to? Does your website have a high bounce rate? Are you falling short of your inbound marketing goals? Maybe it's time to make your website more inbound friendly. Luckily, there are a ton of resources to help bring your website up to par with the best inbound sites out there. According to ImpactBnD, "you have to combine design and Inbound Marketing to form the catalyst for your brand to attract conversions and shares." So where do you start? Take our quiz, "Is Your Website Inbound Friendly?" to find out if your website is as primed for inbound as it should be. 

Inbound Marketing Strategy and Process Workbook