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Thinking with Cleriti

We're always thinking, discovering and sharing our knowledge of how to connect with customers in the digital age. Here we share some of those thoughts.

Surviving the End of the (Marketing) World

Surviving the End of the (Marketing) World

zombie apocalypseTomorrow is supposedly the end of the world, or so saith some interpreters of the infamous Mayan calendar.  Whether or not we’re all fighting off zombies or engulfed in a ball of flame remains to be seen, but what we do know is that the marketing world as we know it is ending even as we speak.  Old tactics and habits are losing their effectiveness and new platforms and mediums are taking their place.  So instead of a “Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide”, here’s a “Guide to Survive the Marketing World in 2013”:

  1. Have supplies ready – In a down economy or a tight market, it’s really tempting to cut part of your marketing budget. Don’t do that. Now is the time to ramp up your marketing efforts. To combat the fear of wasted funds, choose marketing tactics that can show you the results rather than spray-and-pray methods.
  2. Get a buddy – There are so many different facets of marketing today- SEO, blogging, social, video, and on and on the list goes.  It can feel overwhelming if you’re trying to go it alone, but the good news is you don’t have to. There are competent marketing professionals who can provide their services on an affordable level that will guide you
  3. Prevent infection – Sometimes there are problems within organizations that no amount of marketing and advertising will be able to overcome.  “Vaccinate” your company against such issues by making sure you have the people and processes in place to provide a satisfactory experience for your customers.
  4. Make sure your communications devices are working – One-way radios won’t get you far in a zombie apocalypse.  You need to be able to communicate back-and-forth with your friends and be able to coordinate yourselves.  Same goes for your marketing communications.  If all you’re doing is talking at your audience, you might be missing out on hearing about upcoming pitfalls or seeing major opportunities by not hearing what the audience is saying back at you.
  5. Be ready to run – Let’s face it, sometimes you just have to move, and move quickly.  Take measures to ensure that if there is a threat to defuse or an opportunity to act on, your company can take action quickly.
  6. Don’t stay in one place – When in a zombie apocalypse, it can seem like a good idea to hole up in a bunker or a cave or some other fortified structure.  But when the food runs out and you’re surrounded by zombies, then what? The same goes for your marketing tactics.  Don’t let them become stale, boring, and ineffective.  Keep them fresh and your brand will last a lot longer.

We hope this helps you in your marketing plans for 2013.  For tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse, we suggest the CDC’s Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Guide.  See you on the flip side! (Or maybe not…)