So you realize how important internet marketing is and in your research came across the term “lead nurturing” a time or two. This is our opinion: Do it. If you do not currently have a strategy in place – get one. If you have avoided creating a campaign that engages then follows up – create one. I cannot express enough how important this is.
Lead nurturing is literally the process you set up to keep in touch with a visitor to your website who has “engaged” in one or more ways. Maybe they downloaded whitepaper or tip sheet or even signed up for a free evaluation. At this point, your website visitor could just be starting the process of looking for services like yours. What are you doing to ensure that they remember who you are and what you offer? Lead nurturing helps you optimize your opportunity to convert this lead into a customer. If they’re not going to be ready to purchase for a couple of months, will they still know to call you? No matter how much you try to convince yourself that your website leaves a lasting impression, the likelihood of this potential customer remembering you above every other website they visited is next to none.
So now you’re convinced you need to set up a lead nurturing campaign, but you’re lost at where to begin. Here are the simple steps you’ll need to follow:
Name your campaign. Usually, you’ll want to name this campaign according to the triggering event. For example, if want to nurture a group of people who downloaded an eBook I may name my lead nurturing campaign the same as the eBook
Set Goals. It’s important to set goals to analyze your efforts, time spent, response, etc. Your goal should just be a number of engagements
Decide who the email is from. Your leads are less likely to click on a “company” email or one from info@______ or services@______. Choose someone to be the lead of the campaign and designate them to take care of responding to any possible incoming emails.
Set your timing. Once a visitor downloads the eBook, when do you want them to hear from you next? 24 hours? 48 hours? Be careful not to inundate your lead with unwanted emails. Also, always make
sure they can unsubscribe.
Create the subject line. Something simple, not too sales like. For me, it might be something like: Are your competitors stealing your leads?
Create the call to action. The first point of the lead nurturing campaign is to “stay in touch” with the lead. However, the second point is to offer another opportunity to engage with you. If they downloaded an eBook on brushing their teeth, maybe you’re campaign could offer a tip sheet on buying the right toothbrush! If they click the link and download it, you’re building a relationship!
Decide on content. This is a simple step because usually you’ve done that when creating your call to action. However, it’s more for check and balances. Just make sure the actual content you’re offering jives with the call to action.
Set the goal. This is not the same as your original goal for the entire campaign. This is the goal of this particular follow-up email. What are you trying to achieve? Do you want them to download a sheet? Do you want them to register for a webinar? Whatever the goal is, state it clearly.
Repeat: So, now you’re finished with the first follow-up email. We suggest you use up to eight emails in a lead nurturing campaign over a 60 business days. Some of your campaigns may have 4 some 7, the amount is up to you.
I hope this helps you organize your lead nurturing process. If you haven’t set up an automation process for your leads to automatically be enrolled in a campaign once they’ve triggered it, this is a must! Don’t know where to begin with automation? Send us an email or leave us a commebt and we'll be glad to help!
One extra tip – create an excel worksheet to keep this information organized. It will be useful during the analysis period also!
Cleriti is an internet marketing company that specializes in "inbound marketing." Our goal is to drive traffic to your website, convert those visitors into actual leads for your company and wrap it up in a neat package of analytics that shows proven ROI. For more information visit or contact us directly. (cincinnati nuture leads)