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Hello, Ello. How Ello Impacts Your Social Media Marketing Plan

Written by Gina Yeagley | Jan 5, 2015

If you haven't heard, the next big revolution in social media is here and it's called Ello. This ad-free, invitation only social media platform delivers a data-mining free, audacious and transparent user experience. It also imposes a threat to the way most companies currently plan and execute social media marketing plans. Read the Ello manifesto here.

Now before you panic, just like you did when you started seeing all of the hype about the need to reach your customers on WhatsApp in 2014 and Instagram in 2013, stay calm and assess this free education and research. Learn more about Ello, who's hanging out there and if it is going to impact your social media marketing plan in 2015 (or not).

There Is a Better Way for Partnership

You are not a product, and Ello aims for an ad-free user experience that will never sell your data. As a Public Benefit Corporation, the owners of ello even legally bound themselves to keep that promise. Ello is a lot like inbound marketing, and that's why we are covering it. Inbound marketing presents a way for brands to help their customers find them. Ello is not here by any means to replace your favorite social media platform, it's here to change the morals of what happens behind the scenes.

Who is Currently Using Ello?

It's no surprise that people are favoring this new platform with no data troll. Although your data is not being collected and sold, generic user information is still logged for Ello to fine tune the customer experience. Ello admits they collect your data and they clearly explain how and why it is used. They even offer an easy way to opt-out. Everyday or two as of last September, Ello doubled in size.

The eye catching stat is not only the quickly growing number of people using Ello, it's that people are staying engaged on the platform. Anyone with experience in technology and SaaS can tell you about how so many people leave and never come back after their first login. Learn more about who is using Ello as broken down by RJMetrics here

Experimenting With Ello

Ello is very similar to the most popular social media platforms we are used to using. The current features in Ello fall somewhere on the spectrum between Tumblr and Facebook (however Ello is not in competition with Facebook). People on Ello can interact with each other, post updates, images, comment on others updates, etc. In terms of future growth and generating income, instead of mining data, Ello plans to sell innovative add-on features while keeping a freemium set of features available for everyone. Check out this awesome user guide to learn more about using Ello before you jump to a decision on trying it.

Will Not Using Ello Impact Your Social Media Marketing?

A personal resolution of mine for 2015 is to do less with more focus. So will it hurt you to not use Ello right now? Absolutely not. If there is one last conclusion to add about Ello, it's that your white papers and industry stats are not welcome here. From the type of content you create to how you deliver it, and how people receive it is important to consider when using Ello. Remember, social media trends come and go. There is no easy route that gives instant gratification to conquer any social media channel.

When it comes to new social media platforms - some go viral, some change the world, some waste time, some become saturated and others just disappear all together. Companies like Daily Dot and the Wall Street Journal are trying out Ello, will you? And if you do, remember to be creative!